Traffic – “Move Over” Reckless Driving
There was a traffic law change in July of 2019 (one of many) that no one really paid attention to. That is until recently… Virginia Code §46.2-861.1 now states that “the driver of any motor vehicle, upon approaching a stationary vehicle that is displaying a flashing, blinking, or alternating blue, red, or amber light or lights as provided in § 46.2-1022, 46.2-1023, or 46.2-1024 or subsection B of § 46.2-1026 shall (i) on a highway having at least four lanes,

Protective Orders – How they can affect your entire family law matter
Protective Orders in Virginia come in three types. An Emergency Protective Order, a Preliminary Protective Order, and a full Protective Order. An Emergency Protective Order is in effect upon service and lasts roughly 48 to 72 hours. These are granted ex parte (meaning with only one party present and testifying) and are meant to give near-immediate relief to a party in fear or apprehension of physical harm, who have been threatened, or who have indeed suffered physical harm. A Preliminary

Breach of Contract – “So, I have a couple of questions…”
The contractor did a poor job… My ex-boyfriend won’t pay me back… I am having trouble with my landlord… I bought a car and now they won’t help me. I hear these statements (or variations thereof) at least three times a week. While each scenario involves different fact-specific challenges, there is one thing they all have in common. Each one of these issues will be decided based on the contract. In Virginia, both oral and written contracts are honored. While

Criminal Defense – “If you don’t tell me, then you are going to jail” really means its too late. Don’t help your own prosecution.
I have defended more Virginians than I can count, for everything from traffic infractions to the most serious charges of rape and murder. I have had trials all over Virginia, from Virginia Beach to Charlottesville. And no matter what the charge, or where the case is, there is something that I urge each citizen to remember when dealing with law enforcement. I cannot tell you how many clients tell me the same story. They refused to answer a question or